2024년 TOPIK 시험 일정_2024 TOPIK Schedule

Hello The 2024 TOPIK schedule has been announced. Among those studying Korean, there are many who prepare for TOPIK tests. Chapter Korean has organized the 2024 TOPIK test schedule.

The 2024 TOPIK test (Test of Proficiency in Korean) will be held a total of 9 times, including 6times TOPIK PBT and 3times TOPIK IBT. And the TOPIK speaking test will be held a total of 3 times. Recently, as the number of TOPIK applicants is increasing, the number of TOPIK tests is also increasing, and the number of tests conducted outside of Korea is also increasing.

What if you need to study for the TOPIK test?

First, click here to add the 2024 TOPIK schedule to your Google Calendar.

You can also download the 2024 TOPIK schedule in PDF.

If you want to get a job in Korea, you need TOPIK level 6. At least TOPIK level 4 is required. If your goal is TOPIK level 6, you can take group class and prepare for the TOPIK test with a high score. Even if you are taking the TOPIK test for the first time, prepare for the test with a Korean teacher. And if you are a college student or job seeker who needs a TOPIK score, be sure to sign up for the class and get a high score at once. – Apply for TOPIK Group class

After taking the TOPIK class, you can take the actual TOPIK test on the TOPIK official website. (official website)

2024 TOPIK Schedule

In Korea, TOPIK is held 3 times as before (January, May, November – 92nd TOPIK, 94th TOPIK, 97th TOPIK), and 3 times in Korea and oversea (April, July, October – 93rd TOPIK, 95th TOPIK, 96th TOPIK). It will be held a total of 6 times. TOPIK will also be conducted in parts of Asia and Europe in May and November 2024. It is very important to remember the TOPIK test registration period.

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YEAR 2024 TOPIK SCHEDULE (2024년 토픽 시험 일정)

**Registration dates may vary by country. Please check with the Sejong Institute in your country or contact the local Korean embassy.
**Results will be announced on the TOPIK official website (www.topik.go.kr) at 15:00 (KST) on the above date.
**The result announcement date may change depending on circumstances.
**For more information about the TOPIK test in your country, please contact the local Korean embassy or Korean Cultural Center.

2024 TOPIK schedule – IBT

The IBT TOPIK is scheduled to be held three times. IBT TOPIK 3 times (January, April and July – 2nd IBT TOPIK, 3rd IBT TOPIK, 4th IBT TOPIK) are planned around the world in 2024. IBT means attending a testing center with an internet environment and taking the test using information devices such as a PC or tablet. It is expected that the number of IBT topic tests will increase in the future.

2024 TOPIK schedule _IBT
2024 TOPIK IBT Test Schedule (2024 토픽 IBT 시험 일정)

2024 TOPIK speaking schedule

There is also a TOPIK speaking test. The TOPIK speaking test is only held in Korea. Three TOPIK speaking sessions (January, April, and July – 4th TOPIK speaking test, 5th TOPIK speaking test and 6th TOPIK speaking test) are planned for 2024. It is said that if you get a good score on the TOPIK speaking test, you can receive additional points from the GKS scholarship. It is also said that you can get good scores in KIIP programs, college admissions, and corporate interviews. It is said that TOPIK speaking tests will become increasingly important in the future.

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2024 TOPIK Speaking Test Schedule (2024 토픽 말하기 시험 일정)

TOPIK test fee

TOPIK Test Registration Fee (토픽 시험 수수료)

**Test fee may vary by country. Please check with the Sejong Institute in your country or contact the local Korean embassy.

You can get more information by visiting the official TOPIK website.(www.topik.go.kr)
Also, for further information, please contact the Korean embassy or Sejong Institute in your country.
You can also contact us via Chapter Korean KakaoTalk and we will provide you with detailed information.

Then, please check the 2024 TOPIK test schedule carefully and hope for good test results. Thank you 🙂

If you want to learn more about the TOPIK writing, please refer to the following article. – Introduction to TOPIK writing
If you want to learn more about the TOPIK reading, please refer to the following article. – Introduction to TOPIK reading
If you want to learn more about the TOPIK listening, please refer to the following article. – Introduction to TOPIK listening

Do you want to study Korean more? Do you want to study TOPIK 2 writing more?
Click the link below to sign up for the class. TOPIK 2 writing class
You can receive class consultation through KakaoTalk. Chapter Korean KakaoTalk
Chapter Korean provides intermediate and advanced Korean language education. Study Korean with us.

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