We provide Korean education that can be directly applied to employees’ work with customized education designs
for companies and universities.
Provides on-offline convergence course with a customized Korean education solution for customer needs in an enhanced curriculum validated by years of fieldwork.
Through consulting,
members can immediately use Korean,
which is essential for work.
We provide customized training programs.
And we suggest the best training format
according to the company’s needs.
We provide app/web, online
or offline on-site class
attendance services to meet the needs of
companies and universities.
Korean language skill will improve by
learning expressions and words
in the textbook in advance.
Through customized Korean curriculum
and lessons with professional teacher,
feedback-based management is
another key to improvement.
Please feel free to contact us.
A manager will kindly contact you.
주식회사 챕터코리안, 대표 김대광 | 사업자등록번호 : 471-88-02872 | 통신판매업신고번호 : 제2024-서울중구-1387호| 서울 퇴계로 36길 2 812호
대표번호 : +82-70-8098-4359 | 직통번호 : +82-10-3366-9034 | 이메일 : [email protected]
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