“Korean language education business, we need to find field demand and gain trust”

직무 맞춤형 한국어 교육을 개발하고 있는 챕터코리안 이미지 01 - Job-optimized Korean language training
직무 맞춤형 한국어 교육을 개발하고 있는 챕터코리안 01 – Job-optimized Korean language training

Chapter Seoul & Job-optimized Korean language training

Chapter Seoul operates ‘Chapter Korean,’ an online and offline platform that teaches intermediate and advanced Korean to foreigners. they teach middle and high-level Korean language education programs 1:1 or in groups that reflect our country’s trends and provide both fun and knowledge. They also operate management programs that will improve students’ learning effectiveness. We have created an online service so that students can study Korean anytime, anywhere, and we have also developed a Job-optimized Korean language training program to teach practical talent that companies want.

What is the direction of development of Chapter Seoul, an advanced Korean language education platform?

Kim Dae-gwang, Chapter Seoul CEO: Hello. First, I would like to explain Chapter Seoul and Chapter Korean. Chapter Korean provides Korean language education programs at intermediate and advanced levels equivalent to TOPIK Korean Proficiency Test II, level 4 or higher. They created their own Job-optimized Korean language training program to teach Korean students studying abroad or foreigners seeking employment at Korean companies, and also secured professional instructors.

Their classes are provided in the form of 1:1 or group Zoom video conferences, and student satisfaction is high, reaching 4.7 out of 5, and the re-enrolment rate is close to 70%. Currently, they only conduct Korean language education in Korea, but they are gradually preparing Korean language education services to be introduced overseas, including in North America, Hong Kong, and Taiwan. The timing is expected to be around the end of this year, and they are upgrading services and attracting investment funds for this.

Chapter Korean started as a B2C Korean language education service for foreign students. They are trying to advance this and develop it into a B2B service that creates Korean-style foreign talent and supplies them to domestic and foreign companies. They teach not only Korean but also the company’s jobs, culture, and capabilities to foreign employees or prospective employees of foreign companies in Korea.

This B2B service can be used in a variety of ways, including credit transfer courses at overseas universities and exchange student education programs, as well as foreign companies. The main focus is to teach students practical Korean conversation skills. Rather than simply providing education to help them get good test scores, they are trying to make it a practical education program that helps foreigners think and speak like Koreans.

As a result, they naturally encountered challenges. First, I am curious about the growth direction of Korean online and offline education companies such as Chapter Seoul. I would also like to know what type of Korean language education content companies or institutions want, how to create the form and content of this content, and how to organize the overall curriculum.

I am also curious about how to accurately identify the demand from companies and institutions seeking intermediate and advanced Korean language education, and the most appropriate marketing strategy for B2B and B2G. I would also like to ask about the types of support projects that will help build the basics of startups and ways to attract investment funds.

(article omitted)

B2B·B2G education, find demand and design customized programs

이수현 케이브레인 이사 : Even though we speak Korean, writing a Korean education business plan is always difficult. Moreover, it is difficult to respond to the Korean language education projects of public institutions because they come in all different shapes and types. K-Brain had a key focus when creating educational content for institutions such as King Sejong Institute and the National Institute of the Korean Language. Listening, speaking, reading, and writing, all essential skills needed when learning Korean, would be integrated into one content, and two-way communication between instructors and students would be smooth.

Chapter Korean operates Job-optimized Korean language training and intermediate/advanced training courses, right? You mentioned earlier that you are trying to create a practical education program to help foreigners speak like Koreans, which is very good. Students taking intermediate to advanced Korean language education courses want to know how to free-talk and have fluent conversations rather than the basics of communication such as vocabulary and grammar. Therefore, it would be good to create a curriculum that focuses on understanding the context of conversations and sentences and conversation in specific situations. Employment-specific Korean language training is also good.

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Scale up the company and achieve results with experts

CEO Daegwang Kim: Next, I would like to know the growth direction of the education company. Chapter Korean currently mainly offers 1:1 classes with instructors, but I think there are limits to our ability to grow with this structure. One instructor must be assigned to each student. So, we devised a new business model that linked mid- to high-level Korean language education with employment. Targets include universities, foreign employment centers, and foreign companies.

In this case, we are changing the B2C business structure to B2B and B2G. Where and how should we determine the direction of growth? We would like to strengthen Chapter Korean’s LMS (Learning Management System), which has received favorable reviews from students and is a strong point of our competitiveness. We also plan to use CS (Customer Satisfaction) tools such as automatic question-and-answer, chat, and artificial intelligence chatbot.

민상일 케이브레인 대표 : I’ll start by giving advice on LMS and CS. K-Brain is already supplying these tools to organizations and companies such as the Korea Institute of Startup and Entrepreneurship Development and the Korea Tourism Organization. This also requires a thorough investigation of the needs of institutions and companies. This is because each person has a different purpose for introducing LMS and CS. However, the technologies themselves that implement them are not significantly different and are mostly common. So, all you have to do is understand the needs of organizations and companies, design LMS and CS to suit your needs, and provide Job-optimized Korean language training education.

(The article after this is omitted)

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출처 및 기사 전체 보기 (동아일보) : https://www.donga.com/news/It/article/all/20230711/120175643/1

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IT동아 : https://it.donga.com/104056/
네이버 : https://n.news.naver.com/mnews/article/020/0003508707?sid=105
다음 : https://v.daum.net/v/20230711111804460

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Thank you for reading : Job-optimized Korean language training

Chapter Seoul
Job-optimized Korean language training

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