TOPIK 51: Achieving High Scores

TOPIK 51: 3 strategies to get high scores

In the previous post, I explained why TOPIK writing is challenging. From this post onwards, I plan to introduce and explain various problem-solving methods and approaches for questions 51, 52, 53, and 54 in TOPIK Writing.
At the end of each post, I will briefly provide study strategies, so be sure to read the entire article to gather valuable information!

Question 51 in the TOPIK 2 writing test appears as a fill-in-the-blank type. In tackling this question, I will introduce an effective strategy. Follow the three steps below to confidently select words and construct sentences.

Step 1: Verify Vocabulary and Grammar in the Sentences Around the Blank

Firstly, carefully examine the sentences around the blank. Confirm the vocabulary and grammar used in the sentences before and after the blank to anticipate expressions that would fit the blank. Feel free to interpret in Korean or any language that is comfortable for you. Understanding the context and grasping the flow of the sentences is crucial. I’ll provide more details using a sample question.

[ 77회 기출문제 ]


In the given sentence, confirm the expression “선생님을 뵙고 인사를 꼭 ~” in the blank. The phrase “인사를 꼭” in this sentence can help infer a verb like “인사하다” (to greet) for the blank. Additionally, the adverb ‘꼭’ signifies strong intention or hope, so a positive expression like “인사를 하고 싶다” (want to greet) is expected to fit well in the blank.

In the following sentence, the expression “언제 시간이 괜찮으십니까?” precedes the blank in ㉡. This question, “언제 시간이 괜찮으십니까?” is asking about a suitable time for the other person to meet. The blank is followed by the sentence pattern “괜찮은 시간을 ~.” Here, the expression ‘시간을 괜찮다’ can naturally be utilized in the blank, interpreting it as a ‘requesting sentence pattern’. This can be interpreted as a ‘requesting sentence pattern’ to inform the other person about the available time.

Step 2: Confirming the Expression in the Blank

Following that, consider the possible expressions that could fill the blank. Pay attention to the context and select an expression that harmonizes with the overall tone of the passage. Choosing an expression that aligns seamlessly with the context is crucial for coherence. However, the answer will not be just one. If the context flows naturally and is understandable, there can be multiple correct answers. Let me provide an example to illustrate this.


As understood from the context, the sentence patterns for each blank are as follows:

㉠ : 인사를 하고싶다

㉡ : 시간을 알려줘

Step 3: Using the Correct Word and Expression (Formal)

Finally, ensure the chosen word or expression is used accurately. Pay attention to formality, maintain consistency in tense for a formal expression. It is essential to pay close attention to the presence of periods or question marks at the end of sentences. Also, strive to minimize grammatical errors and use natural expressions.


“인사를 드리다”is the best answer. So the answer is “인사를 드리고 싶습니다.” So, what are some other expressions that could earn points?

  1. 인사를 하고 싶습니다.
    • This is a casual yet sincere expression suitable for everyday use. It can be used when you want to convey a simple yet friendly nuance.
  2. 인사를 드렸으면 합니다.
    • This expression is more polite, reflecting mutual respect. The phrase “드렸으면 합니다” adds a sense of reverence.
  3. 인사를 드리고자 합니다.
    • This is a method of emphasizing politeness with a more formal tone. The phrase “드리고자 합니다” can convey a heightened level of courtesy.

“알려주십시오.” can be the answer. obviously, here come other expressions as well?

  1. “괜찮은 시간을 말씀해 주십시오.”
    • This conveys polite expression, requesting time from the teacher with a sense of courtesy.
  2. “괜찮으시면 시간을 알려주시겠어요?”
    • A simpler yet friendly expression, allowing you to inquire about the time without creating much pressure for the teacher.
  3. “언제가 편하신지 알려주실 수 있을까요?”
    • A more indirect yet kind expression, including a request for the teacher to share a time that suits them
  4. “시간 조율이 가능한 경우 말씀해 주세요.”
    • A slightly more informal yet cooperative expression, indicating a willingness to coordinate schedules.

Choosing the appropriate expression from these options based on the context would be beneficial.

By following these three steps, you can craft a response that not only uses natural and contextually appropriate expressions but also maintains grammatical accuracy. This approach proves beneficial in efficiently tackling the given question within the allotted time.

Frequent Use Expreasions of question 51.

Please remind and memorize the below sentence patterns! Basically, these are the essential expressions that you have to know before taking the TOPIK test.

CategoryContentsExample sentence
부탁, 요청(Request, Ask)V-어/아/여 주다.

이 가방 좀 들어 주세요.
이 가방 좀 들어 주십시오.
라디오 좀 켜 주세요.
라디오 좀 켜 주십시오.
V-기 바랍니다.내일 연락주시기 바랍니다.
언제든 알려주시기 바랍니다.
안내해 주시기 바랍니다.
희망(Hope,Will)V-고 싶습니다.
V-았/었으면 좋겠습니다.
편지를 보내고 싶습니다.
한번 더 만나 뵐 수 있었으면 좋겠습니다.
보고 싶습니다.
다시 한 번 해봤으면 좋겠습니다.

V-아/어 주시겠습니까?
문을 열어 주시겠습니까?
세탁기를 바꿔주시길 부탁드립니다.
문자를 보내도 되겠습니까?
가능한 시간을 알려주시겠습니까?
계획(Plan)V(으)려고 합니다.
V하기로 했습니다.
V-고자 합니다.
다음 주에 떠나려고 합니다.
유학을 가기로 했습니다.
유학을 가고자 합니다.
허락(Permission)V-(으)면 될까요?
문을 열어 주시겠습니까?
가능한 시간을 알려주시겠습니까?
세탁기를 바꿔주시길 부탁드립니다.
문자를 보내도 되겠습니까?
전달,인용(Quote)– 라고/다고 하다.15일부터 한국어능력시험 접수를 시작한다고 한다.
우리 회사에서 경력 사원을 모집한다고 했습니다.
추석에 외국인 장기자랑 대회가 열린다고 했어요.
전문가들은 일찍 자는 게 좋다고 한다.

Effective 3 ways to test TOPIK 51

Effectively preparing for question 51 in the TOPIK 2 writing test involves the following strategies:

  1. Frequently read texts in Korean:
    • Cultivate the habit of regularly reading diverse texts in Korean. This helps enhance vocabulary and understanding of sentence structures.
  2. Practice writing using learned expressions:
    • Actively apply learned expressions and sentence patterns to write compositions. Practice utilizing frequently used expressions to become more comfortable with their application.
  3. Familiarize yourself with commonly used sentence patterns in the TOPIK test:
    • Review and familiarize yourself with sentence patterns that frequently appear in topics from previous exams. Becoming accustomed to commonly used expressions and vocabulary will boost your confidence in crafting well-structured responses during the actual exam.

Consistent practice and application of these techniques will contribute to achieving a strong performance in question 51 of the TOPIK 2 writing test.

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